
ACT for Bharat Media Blurb for Civil Society Briefing

Invitation for media interactions by ACT for Bharat : Briefing on Civil Society in India
June 16 th 5:30 PM IST

ACT for Bharat is a group of multidisciplinary practitioners deeply concerned about the shape and direction of India’s future, particularly with respect to the capacity of its democratic, economic and environmental resource fundamentals to ensure the health, happiness, prosperity, and freedoms that our nation’s Constitution promises to its citizens.

The members* of ACT for Bharat, who work in a wide range of sectors and are located in different cities in different continents, share a common dedication to these concerns, and have been meeting regularly each week over the past year. This unique platform has facilitated the exchange and forging of concrete ideas ranging from strategic ones such as the need to strengthen the institutions of democratic governance, the capacity of civil society and the adoption of a more widespread scientific temper to the more immediate ones such as the policy and investment requirements for accelerating the transition to a greener, more inclusive and resilient future for all our fellow citizens as we emerge from the current Covid pandemic.

Having arrived at a consensus – even as our thoughts will surely continue to evolve with inputs from others on the kinds of priority actions needed to deal with these issues, we now propose to present and discuss these with a wider group of concerned individuals from the media, academia, nonprofit, government, business and other professions.

The first topic selected for this effort to generate wider understanding and broader commitment is, as summarized in the attached Note (to be discussed), to design strategies for creating a stronger and more resilient civil society that can truly act as the third and equal pillar of democracy, which is essential to support the work of governments and businesses in accelerating sustainable national development. Future events are planned to provide opportunities to discuss this and the other topics in greater depth with interested parties.

It is with pleasure and anticipation that Act for Bharat invites you to join some of our members at a virtual meeting on zoom this week to discuss the policies and measures needed to enable the incredibly rich but currently somewhat shackled civil society sector of our country to be able to make its true potential contribution to the nation’s future.

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